Our AI diagram generator enables you to convert flowchart diagrams and other visuals from images, and it’s for free. You can transform pictures and screenshots into editable files and adjust them using simple and intuitive user interface. Change diagrams’ colors, shapes, texts, and its objects’ connections. After editing, save your work in a chosen format and download the file.
The dAIgram saves your time by transferring diagrams on your computer with a few clicks instead of spending hours copying them out freehand. Reuse your hand-drawn diagrams instead of creating them from scratch.
The dAIgram supports various occupations such as: Â
- Software developers
- Project managers
- Product managers
- Data and business analysts
- Technical writers Marketing and sales professionals Â
- Teachers and students Â
You can use it for brainstorming and ideating, UX designing, documenting, planning, teaching, and learning.
The AI diagram generator supports essential diagram types, such as simple flowcharts, and graphs. In the future we’ll implement support for other types, namely sequence diagrams, user journey maps, architecture diagrams, org charts, graphs, class diagrams, state diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, requirement diagrams, gitgraph (Git) diagrams, mindmaps, timelines, tree maps, and network diagrams.
Simply provide the AI diagram tool with an image presenting the necessary information and data points, such as relationships and hierarchies, and it will transform these inputs into editable diagrams. Â
After you upload an image, it goes to a server, where it is processed by AI models. They analyze the diagram structure presented in the image, including shapes, links, and links’ directions. These models also read texts on the diagram. Then, the AI models adjust the text to the diagram’s objects. The result is a JSON file describing the diagram (its objects, location, shapes, texts, and relationships between objects). Next, the JSON file goes to a front-end application, which renders the diagram. Finally, you can edit it, adjust shapes, change texts, add colors, and export the diagram to a chosen file.
Yes, at this moment we use GPT-4o
(OpenAI) model. Unless you activate a privacy mode, which will be available soon.
Our proprietary privacy mode isn’t based on external models, such as GPT. It means, we ensure full privacy for enterprise users and deliver customized privacy mode integrated with their systems.
After receiving the data, dAIgram will be able to generate diagrams following the requirements on user’s server within their internal web.